Get ZERO Distractions and MAXIMUM Productivity With This 5-Minute Trick

Ramesh Kumar Ramachandran
Everything around you wants your attention. 

Every app on your phone. Every message on Slack. Every email you see. 

Every time you “work”, you are fighting a battle for where your attention must go. 

In the next 5 minutes, I’ll give you a simple and power-packed 5-step trick

This’ll make sure you NEVER get distracted again. Keep reading on.

There are TOO MANY distractions.

Despite having tons of “productivity” tools, we’re still the most distracted generation.

Every minute, we’re attacked by a barrage of notifications, emails, calls, and some big news, that a  “flow-state” of work, with full focus has become rare, and an achievement. 

The reason is simple… Everything around us is “designed” to steal attention from us. 

Which means, time spent doing work, now goes to distractions. We have “unlimited” attention grabbers, but we only have limited attention. 

Which means, you MUST focus your attention on what matters most, for the right duration.

Let’s get to the 5 step trick that helps you get this exactly right. 


The 5 Step Trick


1.Have the SIMPLEST to-do list.

Write “exactly” what you must do, and give it a “deadline”.

Tools like Astravue help you get this done in seconds. GIve it a try here

2. “Focus-Blocks”, and “Reserve Time”

We use 90 minute blocks, because that’s how we’re wired to focus.

You need to block these in such a way that NOTHING can disturb you. . 

We also block 1 hour extra, so that we can finish any other pending tasks. 

Now, you can take small breaks within a block

For breaks, stare into something far away, or go for a 5 minute walk.

NO PHONE SCROLLING during these breaks.

3. Split Tasks

You split your to-do lists and allocate tasks to each block you made in Step 2. 

Make sure you do not “overestimate” how much you can do. 

4.Coffee and Get To Work

Coffee is god-tier for focused work. Get some if you can. 

Then sit down, close all tabs that are unnecessary (you should be doing this by default)

Without question, the PHONE GOES OUT. Our smartphones are the biggest distractors ever. We all know this.

Switch it off, or put it into DND mode.

4. Finish The Block. 

Every 90-minute block ,you work only on the tasks you’ve allocated. 

Which means, you don’t do Block 2 tasks during Block 1, or vice-versa

If we couldn’t finish a task within the assigned block, we push it to the next block.

If you’re seeing incomplete tasks, use it as a learning opportunity to build your time blocks better. 


Once you get these 5 steps right, you’ll see that if you create a list, block your time and set your phone aside, you can get massive work done.

We know this, because this is how our users make their own lives easier. 

This is how they deliver projects in record speed, 

write blogs and social media content for a week in just a couple of hours, 

or create entire ad campaigns in one day. 

All using our simple tool. 

If you want to see how you FAST you could get things done, try our tool for free. Link’s below.
